Server: Integrations
The official Docker image supports ENV variable substitution in the template folder.
Add your distribution to the container under /usr/share/nginx/html
Make sure to configure a LIQUID_API_HOST
ENV variable that points to your deployed Liquid Auth API.
server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name localhost;
root /usr/share/nginx/html;
location / { index index.html index.htm; expires -1; try_files $uri $uri/ @fallback; }
location @fallback { proxy_set_header Host ${LIQUID_API_HOST}; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_ssl_server_name on; proxy_pass https://${LIQUID_API_HOST}; }}
We recommend running a proxy server like Nginx in production. This will work for local development
const DEFAULT_PROXY_URL = 'http://localhost:3000';const DEFAULT_WSS_PROXY_URL = 'ws://localhost:3000';export default defineConfig({ server: { proxy: { '^/auth/.*': process.env.PROXY_URL || DEFAULT_PROXY_URL, '^/.well-known/.*': process.env.PROXY_URL || DEFAULT_PROXY_URL, '^/attestation/.*': process.env.PROXY_URL || DEFAULT_PROXY_URL, '^/assertion/.*': process.env.PROXY_URL || DEFAULT_PROXY_URL, '/': { target: process.env.WSS_PROXY_SERVER || DEFAULT_WSS_PROXY_URL, ws: true, }, } },})
We recommend running a proxy server like Nginx in production. This will work in a pinch or to test locally.
Deploy the service to a platform like Render or AWS then configure the Proxy in next.config.js
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const serverURL = "";
const nextConfig = { trailingSlash: true, async rewrites() { return [ { source: '/auth/:path*', destination: `${serverURL}/auth/:path*`, }, { source: '/.well-known/:path*', destination: `${serverURL}/.well-known/:path*`, }, { source: '/attestation/:path*', destination: `${serverURL}/attestation/:path*`, },
{ source: '/assertion/:path*', destination: `${serverURL}/assertion/:path*`, }, { source: '/', destination: `${serverURL}/`, }, { source: '/', destination: `${serverURL}/`, }, ] },};
export default nextConfig;
Warning, the Service package is still a work in progress. Please contact if you are interested in mounting the server
npm install algorandfoundation/liquid-auth --save
import { AppModule, RedisIoAdapter } from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-server';
async function bootstrap() { // Create Application const app = await NestFactory.create<NestExpressApplication>(AppModule, { logger: ['error', 'warn', 'debug', 'log', 'verbose'], });
// Get Configuration const config = app.get<ConfigService>(ConfigService);
// Enable Swagger Docs const swaggerConfig = new DocumentBuilder() .setTitle('Liquid Dapp') .setDescription('Authenticated Dapp API') .setVersion('1.0') .addCookieAuth('connect.sid') .build(); const document = SwaggerModule.createDocument(app, swaggerConfig); SwaggerModule.setup('docs', app, document);
// Setup Session Storeage const username = config.get('database.username'); const host = config.get(''); const password = config.get('database.password'); const name = config.get(''); const isAtlas = config.get('database.atlas');
const uri = `mongodb${ isAtlas ? '+srv' : '' }://${username}:${password}@${host}/${name}?authSource=admin&retryWrites=true&w=majority`;
const store = MongoStore.create({ mongoUrl: uri, ttl: 20000, });
const sessionHandler = session({ secret: "REPLACE_WITH_SESSION_SECRET", saveUninitialized: true, resave: true, cookie: { httpOnly: true, secure: true, }, store, }); app.use(sessionHandler);
// Configure Redis Adapter const redisIoAdapter = new RedisIoAdapter(app, sessionHandler); await redisIoAdapter.connectToRedis(config);
// Start Service await app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);}
We recommend running a proxy server like Nginx in production. This will work in a pinch
{ "rewrites": [ { "source": "/auth/:path*", "destination": "${serverURL}/auth/:path*" }, { "source": "/.well-known/:path*", "destination": "${serverURL}/.well-known/:path*" }, { "source": "/attestation/:path*", "destination": "/attestation/:path*" },
{ "source": "/assertion/:path*", "destination": "${serverURL}/assertion/:path*" }, { "source": "/", "destination": "${serverURL}/" }, { "source": "/", "destination": "${serverURL}/" } ]}