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Browser: Registration

Register a Passkey with the Service and attest the knowledge of a KeyPair.

Who is this for?

  • Browser Wallets that want to communicate with the service and other clients


Creating a passkey and registering it with the service using an instance of the SignalClient.

attestation is a convenience method that handles the entire process of creating a passkey and registering it with the service. The caller must provide a callback that will be called when a challenge is received from the service.

import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl'
import {toBase64URL} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/encoding'
// Sign in to the service with a new credential and wallet
await client.attestation(
// Callback when a challenge is received, return a signed challenge
async (challenge: Uint8Array) => ({
// The type of signature and public key
type: 'algorand',
// The address of the account
address: address,
// The signature of the challenge, signed by the account
signature: toBase64URL(nacl.sign.detached(challenge, seceretKey)),
// Optionally authenticate a remote peer
requestId: "<UUID_FROM_QR_CODE>",
// Optional device name
device: 'Demo Web Wallet'


Using the attestation method to create a passkey without using the SignalClient

import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl'
import {attestation} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/attestation'
import {toBase64URL} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/encoding'
await attestation(
// Callback when a challenge is received, return a signed challenge
async (challenge: Uint8Array) => ({
// The type of signature and public key
type: 'algorand',
// The address of the account
address: address,
// The signature of the challenge, signed by the account
signature: toBase64URL(nacl.sign.detached(challenge, seceretKey)),
// Optionally authenticate a remote peer
requestId: 12345,
// Optional device name
device: 'Demo Web Wallet'


If you want to manually handle the process of creating a passkey, you can use the following methods and preforming the three steps of the process.

🧮 Options

Manually fetching the PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions from the service.

import {fetchAttestationRequest} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/attestation'
const encodedOptions = await fetchAttestationRequest("")

✨ Creating

Decode the options and create a new passkey.

import {decodeAddress, fromBase64Url} from "@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/encoding";
const options = { ...encodedOptions };
// Uint8Array of the user's id, is set as the encoded address for this type of key = decodeAddress(address);
// Must be string that is equal to the id bytes using the appropriate encoding = address;
// Friendly name to display for the user
options.user.displayName = "Hello World";
// Challenge from the service
options.challenge = fromBase64Url(options.challenge);
// Decode any known credentials
if (options.excludeCredentials) {
for (const cred of options.excludeCredentials) { = fromBase64Url(;
const credential = navigator.credentials.create({
publicKey: options

🔐 Liquid Extension

Sign the challenge with an additional KeyPair.

import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl'
import {toBase64URL} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/encoding'
credential.clientExtensionResults = {
// The type of signature and public key, this is also used
// to determine the type of encoding for the
type: 'algorand',
// The address of the account
address: address,
// The signature of the challenge, signed by the account
signature: toBase64URL(nacl.sign.detached(options.challenge, seceretKey)),
// Optionally authenticate a remote peer
requestId: "<UUID_FROM_QR_CODE>",
// Optional device name
device: 'Demo Web Wallet'

🚚 Response

Encode and submit the passkey to the service.

import {fetchAttestationResponse} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/attestation'
import {toBase64URL} from '@algorandfoundation/liquid-client/encoding'
const result = await fetchAttestationResponse("", {
rawId: toBase64URL(credential.rawId),
type: credential.type,
response: {
clientDataJSON: toBase64URL(response.clientDataJSON),
attestationObject: toBase64URL(response.attestationObject),
clientExtensionResults: credential.clientExtensionResults