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Browser: Example

You can check the example in the GitHub repository for a working browser based application

Answer Client

A dApp that wants a remote wallet to log into the service and create a peer-to-peer connection.

import { SignalClient } from "@algorandfoundation/liquid-client";
const client = new SignalClient(window.origin);
const requestId = SignalClient.generateRequestId() // 12345
// Wait for the Offer Client to connect
client.peer(requestId, 'offer').then((dc)=>{
// Handle Peer Messages
dc.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
// Send Messages to Peer
dc.send('Hello World')
// Generate a QR Code
const qrData = await client.qrCode()

Offer Client

The remote browser-based wallet. This could be an extension or hybrid mobile application.

import * as nacl from 'tweetnacl'
import { SignalClient, toBase64URL } from "@algorandfoundation/liquid-client";
const requestId = 12345 // A known request ID from a Answer Client
const origin = "" // Some known origin
const address = "encoded-address" // Some known address
const secretKey = new Uint8Array(32) // Some secret key
// Sign in to the service with a new credential
await client.attestation(async (challenge: Uint8Array) => ({
type: 'algorand',
signature: toBase64URL(nacl.sign.detached(challenge, secretKey)),
device: 'Demo Web Wallet'
// Wait for the Answer Client to connect
client.peer(requestId, 'answer').then((dc)=>{
// Handle Peer Messages
dc.onmessage = (event: MessageEvent) => {
// Send Messages to Peer
dc.send('Hello World')