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Linking Guide

A link will authorize a remote client to access the service. This is done by generating a requestId and waiting for a device to attest a Passkey.

A link event can only be acknowledged by the service when the remote client has successfully authenticated. The linking processs is backed by a Deep Link and a QR Code. The SignalClient is responsible for generating the deep link and presenting to another client.

The remote client will handle the Deep Link by submitting a Passkey with the Liquid Extension to the origin service. Once the service has validated the linking request, the client will be able to communicate with the service and establish a peer-to-peer connection.

Who is this for?

  • dApps/Wallets that want to integrate deeply into Liquid Auth.

Liquid uses a custom deep link to handle linking between devices.

The format is as follows:


This link will be used to generate a QR code for the user to scan with their device.


The origin is the server that will handle the linking request.

Request ID

The request ID is a UUID generated by a client to identify the linking request.


This diagram illustrates the linking process between a website and a wallet.

Offer ClientServerAnswer ClientOffer ClientServerAnswer ClientSubscribe to 'wss:link'Display QR Connect Request IDScan QR CodeGet Challenge/OptionsRegister/AuthenticateValidate SignaturesHTTPOnly SessionOk Response + HTTPOnly SessionEmit to `wss:link` client